Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ordering status of the UTLX book

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The current orders have exhausted the initial shipment of the UTLX Steam Era Tank Cars book from the printer. More will arrive soon, but I will be unable to ship any new orders until the week of August 27, as I will not have the follow-on shipment of books for a week and will be traveling as well. If you understand and accept this, you are welcome to place an order. Thank you for your understanding.

If you have already placed an order before reading this message, you may disregard this message, as your book is on its way or will be shortly if you ordered recently.

SALE, a couple new items, and a few restocks


To keep the winter creative efforts flowing (or to stimulate frozen good intentions to do something), everything on the site is 15% off until the end of the month! Use code “february” at checkout.

New stuff:


Available model kits:

All kits and parts may be accessed via this link.

You can also order our books to help with research or to find a new subject for your modeling efforts

An update and some new decals

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There have been some (not a ton, but enough to warrant a formal response here) questions about the forthcoming book, UTLX Steam Era Tank Cars by Stephen Hile. The book is in the final editing phase and all signs point to it being available at the end of January. As soon as everything is finalized, details will be posted here. It will be a hardcover work, approximately 200 pages in length, with many drawings, numerous color photos, a number of tables, as well as tons of black and white photos.

In addition to the book news, there are a few new decals sets (and if you haven’t seen them, there have been many others released in recent months – see older posts below).

New decals

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Lost in the RPM Chicagoland preparations and the work to get the FOFC reprints in the works, I have kind of ignored the new decal sets. So, here they are (all HO scale):

Focus on Freight Cars reprints… at a discount

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We are in the process of reprinting four of the Focus on Freight Cars series that are currently out of stock. There is a discount for pre-ordering. Discounted pre-orders will be accepted through October 25th. The reprint runs are significantly smaller than the original runs and there is no guarantee of reprints after that. Books will ship the week of November 6th and electronic downloads will be available immediately.

Titles include:

All titles can be viewed at the Books & Journals page

Don’t forget about the new decals… scroll to the last post for more information.

PRM Vol. 4 shipping (finally) and new decals

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Prototype Railroad Modeling, Volume Four has arrived from the printer. This weekend will be devoted to getting them in the mail, along with a few other outstanding orders as we get caught up. We also received another package this week: decals from Cartograf in Italy. There are some new decals available, as well as one reprint that was out of stock.