Hindsight 20/20 Virtual RPM

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June 13, 2020 – 12:00 – 8:00 PM

While laying low here in Brooklyn (and that is still the case) I started giving thought to offering one of my clinics via the magic of internet videoconferencing apps. When I mentioned it to a couple friends, we thought about the idea of bundling a bunch of clinics to create an RPM, primarily for those who can’t make it to the usual slate of RPMs (although anyone can participate). So, we (Ryan Mendell, Hunter Hughson, and myself) are kicking things off with our first virtual RPM, dubbed “Hindsight 20/20′ with fully play on the name intended. It will run from 12:00 – 8:00 PM on June 13, 2020.

You can read more details or register via this link

It’s been awhile…

D221 SPS ACF gon

It’s been awhile since I posted anything. I got completely knocked on my butt by the flu and then work (my day job) has been non-stop making preparations for the impact of the coronavirus. We just went to work from home status for the immediate future. Anyway, there are a few updates:

New decal for the SP&S 23000-series of gons built in 1952 by AC&F. (I’m biased, but it’s pretty nice!)

Prototype Railroad Modeling, Vol. Four and Focus on Freight Cars, Vol. Nine are both back in stock, as well as the UTLX book.

The CB&Q XM-25/26 box cars and Ann Arbor single sheathed box car are still available.

Prototype Railroad Modeling, Vol. Five and a few model projects are the immediate focus.

Be well and take care of yourself and if you have a reason to vote, get out and do it… be heard and counted, whatever you believe (if you don’t know whom or what to vote for, email and I’ll tell you!!!)

SP/T&NO A-50-4


While it’s not quite a Christmas miracle, it’s good timing. Many of you have been inquiring over the past few months about getting the SP/T&NO A-50-4, and I am getting close to a re-release, However, I also found a cache of castings. There are 11 sets of castings, although I am pulling the detail parts from the large trove of those castings  that I have on hand (how is it that these things never match up?) Full disclosure, it’s going to be a few weeks before I get these mailed, but if you’d like to reserve one, here’s your opportunity.