Focus on Freight Cars, Volume Nine: Single Sheathed Box & Automobile Cars 2


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This series of books, through the use of exquisitely detailed photographs, highlights many freight cars photographed in the mid-to-late 1930s in southern California. They are particularly useful to modelers as they contain many close-up views that were photographed for the purpose of making models, and thus are a fantastic aid in detailing models. In addition to the quality of the coverage, the photos are complemented by captions written by Ted Culotta that provide a wealth of information about the prototypes covered in the book. Volume Nine highlights single sheathed box & automobile cars and features images exclusively from medium format negatives. Cars are covered from Atlantic Coast Line, Boston & Maine, Canadian Pacific, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, Chicago and North Western, Great Northern, Illinois Central, Milwaukee Road, Missouri Pacific, Muncie & Western, Pennsylvania, Pere Marquette, Rock Island, St. Louis – San Francisco, Southern Pacific, Wabash, Western Pacific, 94 pages. $45.00