The calendar invite with the zoom link will be emailed directly to you a couple days prior to the event. The details are also in the confirmation page that you see after checkout – PLEASE SAVE THE ZOOM INFO (note: if you do not receive a confirmation email, then you are NOT registered; also, if you do not receive your confirmation, check your spam folder; also, make sure that the email address you use for checkout is one that you can access so you can actually receive and read the email.) This event is free of charge. However, you must add this to your shopping cart and complete checkout to be registered and receive the zoom details. Please do not email requesting that I manually add you to the event. It is difficult enough keeping track of all of the associated details. Add to the cart and checkout… simple!
Note: the tip jar is a paypal email address –
There is a Virtual Display Room on flickr. Please consider sharing your latest projects
hindsight2020 flier 8.0 rev2 Flier as a .pdf file